Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Conservatives At Facebook Form ‘FB’ers For Political Diversity’ To Combat Company’s Ideological Echochamber | The Daily Caller

Conservatives At Facebook Form ‘FB’ers For Political Diversity’ To Combat Company’s Ideological Echochamber | The Daily Caller: Conservatives At Facebook Form ‘FB’ers For Political Diversity’ To Combat Company’s Ideological Echochamber

Kyle Perisic | Contributor
than one hundred conservative Facebook employees have joined an
internal employee message board to protest what they call the company’s
“intolerant” liberal culture.
The group, “FB’ers for Political Diversity,” was created last week, The New York Times reported
Tuesday, and aims to promote ideological diversity within the company.
Facebook’s workforce of more than 25,000 is viewed as largely liberal.

“We are a political monoculture that’s intolerant of different
views,” wrote senior Facebook engineer and group cofounder Brian Amerige
in a post,
The NYT added. “We claim to welcome all perspectives, but are quick to
attack — often in mobs — anyone who presents a view that appears to be
in opposition to left-leaning ideology.”

Amerige’s post continues to criticize Facebook’s emphasis on racial
and gender diversity and how it, along with the company’s overt liberal
bias, threatens the “viability as a company.”

Facebook banned a dissenting conservative group in December 2016, Business Insider reported in
August 2017. The group, “Facebook Anon,” was an anonymous group chat
for supporters of then-candidate Donald Trump. It was shut down for
violating Facebook’s policies against anonymous accounts, but Business
Insider reported that the talks “turned ugly and … alarmed management.”

Amerige’s post echoes similar concerns of a memo former Google
engineer James Damore wrote in August 2017 that criticized Google’s
“ideological echo chamber,” The Daily Caller reported.

“[W]e tear down posters welcoming Trump supporters. We regularly
propose removing [tech investor Peter] Thiel from our board because he
supported Trump,” Amerige wrote. “We’re quick to suggest firing people
who turn out to be misunderstood, and even quicker to conclude our
colleagues are bigots.”

Amerige added that Facebook has made “all lives matter” a “fireable
offense” and that human resources investigates anyone who dares
“criticize Islam’s human rights record.”

Amerige’s concerns are not without any evidence. Facebook cofounder
and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has donated to left-leaning campaigns in the
2018 and 2020 elections, The Daily Caller News Foundation reported on Aug. 23.

Facebook also has a well-documented history of removing conservative content, some of which was restored with an apologized after public backlash. (RELATED: Facebook Flags New York Post Article About Trump Voters As ‘Spam’)

Facebook has also removed videos and shadow banned content. Facebook
apologize for mistakenly removing videos from the popular conservative
page PragerU on Aug. 17, The Daily Caller reported.

FB’ers for Political Diversity’s only rule is “if you attack a person’s character, rather than their ideas, you will be banned.”

Follow Kyle on Twitter @KylePerisic

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Tags : facebook james damore mark zuckerberg