Friday, July 20, 2018

Twitter Caught Censoring Conservative Journalists With Site-Wide Shadowbans – NewsWars

Twitter Caught Censoring Conservative Journalists With Site-Wide Shadowbans

Which prevents anyone not already following them from viewing their posts

Image Credits: LOIC VENANCE / Getty.

Two days after Twitter told Congress that they aren’t politically biased when censoring content, several prominent conservatives discovered that the social media giant automatically includes them in a site-wide “Quality Filter Discrimination” shadowban which prevents anyone not already following them from viewing their posts.

While the filters have been around since August 2016 and were supercharged in May, Twitter’s aggressive censorship of conservative accounts was noticed Thursday afternoon by the Daily Wire‘s Ryan Saavedra, after he said he saw reduced activity following a viral tweet
with 3.85 million views in which Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters (CA)
calls for attacks on members of the Trump administration. In short
order, a flood of influential conservative Twitter users discovered they were shadowbanned also using an account checking tool at

The site-wide shadowbans did not go unnoticed…

Twitter VP of Trust & Safety, Del Harvey, said that the filtering
algorithm look at a number of signals, including how often a user is
blocked, muted or complained about vs. receiving positive interactions
such as “favorites” and retweets.

“If you send the same message to four people, and two of them blocked
you, and one reported you, we could assume without ever seeing what the
content of the message was, that was generally a negative interaction.”

whether the change will mostly affect fake accounts and bots or real
people who are behaving in aggressive and divisive ways, Harvey said it
could be either. The software’s goal is to hide tweets from “accounts that are having the maximum negative impact on the conversation,” she said. –Slate
Harvey also said in a company blog post that the impact of the filters would affect “much less than 1 percent” of accounts.

[L]ess than 1% of accounts make up the majority of accounts reported
for abuse, but a lot of what’s reported does not violate our rules.
While still a small overall number, these accounts have a
disproportionately large—and negative—impact on people’s experience on
Twitter. The challenge for us has been: how can we proactively address
these disruptive behaviors that do not violate our policies but
negatively impact the health of the conversation?
To turn the default quality filtering off, go into your Twitter settings and unchedk the “quality filter” box.

We wonder who Jack Dorsey thinks is having a “maximum negative impact on the conversation” right ahead of midterms?