Monday, September 5, 2016

Hooker Hillary Cashes In the Hamptons, Martha’s V and Silicon Valley

CSeptember 3, 2016 Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, MD, PhD

Hooker Hillary Cashes In the Hamptons, Martha’s V and Silicon Valley

The Courtesan Hillary Clinton: bought and sold  at $150,000 per hour at the Behest of Rich and Famous in the Hamptons, Martha’s Vineyard, Beverly Hills, and Silicon Valley!

Hail to Prostitution and Political Pandering!

In a NYTimes article, entitled “Where Has Hillary Clinton Been?  Ask The Ultra-rich” by Amy Chozick and Johnathan Martin [Sept.3, 2016], they point out the absurdity between her fabricated image of the peoples politician in contrast to her prostituting herself for money among the very rich. When a woman gets paid by the hour for selling favors, there is no other definition than pandering, pimping, prostituting, or acting as a courtesan. “Mrs. Clinton raised about $143M in August alone.”

Never one to address the public for the past six months, the courtesan was more than happy to hobnob with the rich and famous like Jimmy Buffet, Jon Bon Jovi and Paul McCartney. I could care less where she goes and what she does. However, it does irritate me when you and I, the American taxpayer, have to foot the bill for both her bum husband and her—not the least for the most useless group of agents other than the FBI—the Secret Service.

The Secret Service does not yet realize that they are irrelevant to the real American way of life. No POTUS is irreplaceable… and, more importantly, no one really cares to neutralize them because it would not make any difference in the bloated bureaucracy known as the federal govt.


Here is what I happen to know about Martha’s Vineyard. Once upon a time,I owned two Bed and Breakfasts–one in Vineyard Haven, the other in Edgartown. Let us say,they were less than efficient money makers for me.

The reason was simple.

Unlike the rich and famous,I invested in Martha’s Vineyard real estate as a way of starting up a new business. Little did I realize that Martha’s Vineyard and the State of Massachusetts had a natural aversion to capitalism and owner-run businesses.The state and local government saw fit to levy all kinds of taxes on my businesses for which there was really no recourse whatsoever; or more importantly, no benefit whatsoever.

The Mass. state officials went so far as to pay their own way on the ferry boat from Cold Spring’s Harbor straight to the island and go directly into my bank account and took whatever taxes they thought was due them without informing me or my banker [Redstone—a good guy!]. I guess thats why they call it Taxachusettes.


Let’s get back to our courtesan and how she makes money…..

“For a donation of $2,700, a child [under 16] of donors at any event last month at Sag Harbor, NY could get a photo with her… $10,000 for a family photo..” It is not only the money that she yearns for. It is also the ideal venue for which she and her sycophants can manage best to avoid any embarrassing moments or unwanted confrontation.

Here is the real knee-slapper:

Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild …a friend of the Clintons made sure attendees did not grill Mrs. Clinton at the $100,000-per-couplelamb dinner… at her oceanfront Martha’s Vineyard mansion.”
You have a presumptuous Jewess who has been anointed with Christian Holy Water as a Dame of the British realm as well as a French countess. Not bad for a bunch of medieval Shylocks loaning money in Frankfurt Germany; not to mention a girl born in Bergen County, New Jersey!

The point here is simple.

How can we, ordinary Americans, who did not make a fortune yet served our country, be able to afford an audience with a courtesan whose life has been one of pandering for money and friendship? I was taught that the Protestant Ethic of hard work and perseverance would eventually allow me to arise above the masses. Clearly, Bernie Sanders and I were terribly mistaken.

Instead of saving lives and fighting overseas, I should have paid more attention to the clubs that I joined and the people who could have helped me advance into the upper echelon of society so that I too could become like the Clintons—wealthy,  famous, andexceedingly corrupt.

What a shmuck I am!!

How many times did I try to create a new company only to realize that it would eventually fail?

Why did I refuse to charge my country for services rendered throughout my whole life?
If only I, too, could have had Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild to run interference for me [“The weird billionaire who turned into a Marxist”], she could have made me as wealthy as John W. Kluge, her mentor at Metromedia television stations.

Hillary is creature of our times. She is narcissistic, entitled, corrupt and quite fearful of making mistakes. She has an allegiance to no country or national people, least of all America.If she becomes POTUS then we have sold our heritage for a few pence, never to recover our honor, dignity, or prestige.


Allow me to paraphrase Andy Warhol about Hillary Clinton, our beloved Courtesan: “She is deeply superficial!”

Breaking News bias media, Bill Clinton corruption, Clinton Body Count, crooked hillary, Hillary brain cancer, Hillary Clinton,Hillary emails, rigged elections, rigged media, rigged system, Seth Rich murdered