Thursday, July 16, 2015

Vaccine Associated Narcolepsy Genetically Changing the Brain Forever!


By Experimental Vaccines
More information continues to emerge about the link between the Pandemrix H1N1 flu vaccine and the incurable sleeping disorder, narcolepsy. Kenny Valenzuela explains the importance of how vaccines can cross the blood-brain barrier.

Research links posted below:

Pandemrix Flu Vaccine Linked To Narcolepsy
Vaccine Induced Narcolepsy Court Awards Millions
Vaccine Exemption Forms
Vaccine Inserts and Ingredients

NBCNEWS Study Could Explain Flu Vaccine Link to Narcolepsy
Study offers clue to link between swine flu vaccine, narcolepsy Fox News
Antibodies to influenza nucleoprotein cross-react with human hypocretin receptor 2
Clinical Trails 26 Studies on Pandemrix Flu Vaccine
Italy Bans Flu Shot 9 Dead
You can find more of Kenny Valenzuela's informative videos at his site

Vaccine Associated Narcolepsy Genetically Changing the Brain Forever!
Thu, 16 Jul 2015 21:24:00 GMT