Sunday, July 19, 2015

Netanyahu: Why Is Obama Administration Trying to ‘Compensate’ Israel if This Was Such a Good Iran Deal?


Obama administration Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter flew to Israel to talk about “compensations” to Israel for the supposedly “good nuclear deal” with Iran.

Even the Obama administration, at some level, knows the deal is a joke.

obama netanyahu

Netanyahu told reporters:

“If this deal is supposed to make Israel and our Arab neighbors safer, why should we be compensated with anything?… Furthermore, how can you compensate a country, my country, against a terrorist regime that is sworn to our destruction and is going to get a path to nuclear bombs and billions of dollars to boot for its terror activities against us.”

The JPost reported:

Carter arrived in Israel on Sunday night as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu indicated an unwillingness to speak about any “compensation” the US could provide to make Israel feel more secure after last week’s signing of the Iranian nuclear deal.

Netanyahu, in an interview Sunday on ABC, said there was much talk about compensating Israel.

The question that needed to be asked, the premier said, was, “If this deal is supposed to make Israel and our Arab neighbors safer, why should we be compensated with anything?” Furthermore, he said, “how can you compensate a country, my country, against a terrorist regime that is sworn to our destruction and is going to get a path to nuclear bombs and billions of dollars to boot for its terror activities against us.”

Carter is scheduled to meet Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon on Monday, and hold a press conference with him. On Tuesday, he is scheduled to meet Netanyahu.

Carter is expected to visit IDF troops in the North, as well as travel to Jordan and Saudi Arabia, where there is also a great deal of unease over the nuclear deal.

Wherever I can, I will continue to explain Israel's position that the nuclear deal with Iran is a bad deal.

— בנימין נתניהו (@netanyahu) July 15, 2015

The post Netanyahu: Why Is Obama Administration Trying to ‘Compensate’ Israel if This Was Such a Good Iran Deal? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Netanyahu: Why Is Obama Administration Trying to ‘Compensate’ Israel if This Was Such a Good Iran Deal?
Jim Hoft
Mon, 20 Jul 2015 05:22:59 GMT