Friday, July 17, 2015

Nationwide mandatory vaccination bill is now here! New law will punish states that uphold medical choice


Friday, July 17, 2015 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

Tags: mandatory vaccines, vaccine exemptions, medical choice

(NaturalNews) Medical tyranny is apparently quite trendy in America these days, as a Florida congresswoman recently introduced a new legislative bill that, if passed, would restrict federal funding to states that don't require every single public school studentto be fully vaccinated according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended guidelines.
Representative Frederica S. Wilson, a Democrat from Florida's 24th District (which includes parts of Miami), has unveiled the aptly-titled "Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015," which sets as a requirement that "each student enrolled in one of the State's public elementary schools or public secondary schools ... be vaccinated in accordance with the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices."
If a state doesn't abide by this draconian requirement, including every state that has vaccine exemption laws currently on the books, then it will no longer be eligible to receive federal grants, according to the provisions of the bill. In other words, live by Big Brother's rules or be cut off from the gravy train (wait, isn't this the type of despotism our forefathers fought to escape by settling in the new world?).
"This bill is essentially an attempt to blackmail states into abandoning any vaccination exemptions they currently have in place," writes Lily Dane for The Daily Sheeple about the proposed measure.

Forced vaccinations bill would require all Americans born into it get at least 184 jabs!

If you haven't taken a gander at the CDC's Recommended Childhood Vaccine Schedule in a while, you might be surprised to learn that quite a few new vaccines have been added to the list over the past several decades - and many more are on the way!
Compared to the schedule from 1983, which contained only 24 vaccine doses within the first year-and-a-half of a child's life, today's schedule contains an astounding 71 vaccine doses during this same time period. And this number balloons even further as a child grows older, swelling to a shocking 184 vaccine doses over a person's entire lifetime!
"Put simply, all philosophical and religious objections would have to be abolished by the States, in submission to the power of the Federal Purse," reads an announcement published in Dr. Rima Truth Reports. "All medical excuses would be subject to the state's very strict regulations that violate the patient/doctor relationship and unreasonably restrict the practice of medicine."

Parents, adults would also be subjected for forced jabs under Rep. Wilson's proposed bill

Children wouldn't be the only victims within this new mandatory jab paradigm. The CDC, it turns out, has already initiated a plan through Obama's Affordable Care Act to work with employers to push the CDC's vaccine schedule on adults. The so-called "National Adult Immunization Plan" currently being drafted would add an additional 114 vaccine doses to what an individual would receive throughout his lifetime.
"There are currently 271 vaccines in the development pipeline," explains The Daily Sheeple.
So what happens when people refuse Rep. Wilson's hypothetical plan to forcibly jab every American child and adult with live viruses, aluminum, mercury, and other deadly neurotoxins? In blatant violation of the Nuremberg Code, Wilson has suggested using "element[s] of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior forms of constraint or coercion." Put simply, you'll take the government's vaccines or you'll die, essentially.
"Our warning to all Federal and State legislators: Do not become accessories to the violation of International Humanitarian Law," warns Dr. Rima Laibow about this dangerous, treasonous bill that wages war on medical freedom in the U.S.

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