Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Mandatory Adult Vaccines Coming to “NAZI” California or GO TO JAIL! SB792



By Experimental Vaccines
Kenny Valenzuela breaks down the latest in California's medical tyranny. First it was SB277 mandating vaccines for children; now it's SB792 - mandatory adult vaccinations. No personal exemptions and criminal penalties for failure to comply. With 300 new vaccinations coming in the next 6 years, it seems like a good time to eliminate all opt-outs.
Research links posted below:
California legislature SB-792 Day care facilities immunizations exemptions
California Mandates Poisoning Children SB277 Vaccine Bill Passes
California Now Wants to be First State to Mandate Adult Vaccines – Criminal Penalties
300 New Genetically Modified Vaccines by 2023

Mandatory Vaccines for Adults? Leave It to California
New York Measles Outbreak 90% Vaccinated
Senator Richard Pan Caught Lying About Aborted Fetal Cells in Vaccines!
FDA Vaccine Insert Lists Autism as Adverse Reaction
You can see more of Kenny Valenzuela's informative videos, as well as donate, at

Mandatory Adult Vaccines Coming to California or GO TO JAIL! SB792
Mon, 20 Jul 2015 12:27:00 GMT