Friday, July 31, 2015

Conservatives Successfully Defeat Egregious Corporate Welfare: Export-Import Bank Remains Expired



July 30, 2015 | 202-228-7561

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today issued the following statement regarding the Senate's final passage of a long-term highway reauthorization bill. Immediately following its passage, the Senate approved a three-month highway extension, which the House passed earlier in the week. This short-term extension did not include a provision to resurrect the Export-Import Bank and has been sent to the president for his signature.

"Today was a major win. Just one week ago, the Washington Cartel was certain that the Export-Import Bank -- a quintessential example of cronyism and corporate welfare -- would be reauthorized. The fix was in. And yet, after a long battle on the Senate floor, as Mark Twain might say, reports of Ex-Im's revival were greatly exaggerated.

"The House stood strong and refused to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank. And, today, the Senate was forced to relent and pass a three-month extension in the Highway bill, without reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank.

"I commend House conservatives for their strong leadership. This Fall, no doubt, the Washington Cartel will make yet another run at reviving Ex-Im. Lobbyists will descend on Congress, doling out checks and trying to extend hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer loan guarantees to a handful of giant corporations. But, if the House continues to demonstrate their courage of their convictions, together we will make permanent a major victory for hard-working taxpayers. No more cronyism; instead, opportunity for all, and favoritism towards none."

Conservatives Successfully Defeat Egregious Corporate Welfare: Export-Import Bank Remains Expired