Tuesday, June 30, 2015

NYC Muslim Cabbies Thought They Didn’t Have to Obey the Law During Ramadan … They Were Wrong


During the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, it is amazing how Americans are badgered by the Obama administration to show respect for Shariah law, but Muslims in America feel no need to follow our laws.

For example, because it was Ramadan, New York City Muslim taxi drivers thought they could double-park  outside a mosque in Manhattan. The cabbies were in the mosque saying prayers for the holy month.

An amazed Mohammad Zaman told the New York Post, “This is a special prayer time, a time for religion. We double-park here every Friday and they (allow it), but today they gave us all tickets, almost 100 cabs.’’

Zaman himself was ticketed and fined $115 for double-parking, defined as parking beside a row of cars already parked on the side of a street.

“I can’t help but to think they are being prejudiced. They don’t understand. We have to be here,” said Zaman, reflecting the odd belief that one who enforces the law equally is biased.

A mosque volunteer confirmed that the double-parking around the mosque hadn’t been ticketed before.

Mohammad Choudhury, another cabbie, stated, “Other places, they are OK with double-parking. People do it everywhere here. But now they won’t let us? Most of us only come for one hour,” apparently thinking a traffic law broken for a short time is like a law not broken at all (H/T WZ).

We can’t help but wonder how many New Yorkers were inconvenienced by the double-parking, which clogs streets and slows traffic flow.

If there aren’t enough convenient legal parking spaces next to the mosque, maybe the Muslim cabbies shouldn’t flout the law and, like the average New Yorker, park farther away and then walk to their destinations.

Or is walking to pray during Ramadan somehow against Shariah law?

If you are sick and tired of non-Westerners who live in our country thinking they are above our laws, please share this article on Facebook and Twitter.

Monday, June 29th, 2015