Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Large number of Catholics slam Vatican’s agenda!

Catholics Attack Pope Over "Climate Change" FearmongeringCatholic Church England / Flickr


Catholics around the world are attacking Pope Francis for advocating a new “global political authority” to tackle so-called “man-made climate change.”

The pontiff recently wrote an encyclical to the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics asking them to support larger government to stop “global warming,” but it appears a large percentage of Catholics disagree with the Vatican’s agenda.

“I’m concerned the Pope is going to alienate many, many people with this encyclical because of his personal political viewpoints: people who would be faithful Catholics but disagree with his personal politics, but don’t understand the Pope is not infallible on science or politics,” a Catholic with the screen name zz912 wrote on Catholic.com.

Another Catholic said the church shouldn’t get involved.

“I’ll give [Pope Francis] the benefit of the doubt on his intentions, but he is making a huge mistake and it is embarrassing and discouraging for hundreds of millions of Catholics,” he wrote.

And yet another Catholic, Bartholomew B., made an interesting observation: by promoting a new “global authority” to fight “climate change,” Pope Francis is transforming the Catholic Church from a Christian institution into a non-government organization.

“…The choice of subject [global warming] tends to support those critics who complain that the churches in general, and not just the Catholic Church, are gradually turning into NGOs that are hardly distinguishable from all the others,” he stated. “The process that one Franciscan labeled ‘the NGOization of the Church’ began long before the present pontificate, but it’s regrettable that Francis seems to be speeding it up rather than slowing it down or, better still, putting it into reverse.”

So-called “man-made climate change” – the latest buzz phrase for “global warming” – is largely a myth promoted by politicians – and now Pope Francis – to scare the public into accepting a vast expansion of government to supposedly stop “global warming.”

Global warming is a manufactured problem played up by the government to instigate a public reaction – fear – the government then exploits to offer a predetermined solution: the expansion of government at the public’s expense.

This strategy, now known as the Hegelian Dialectic, has been used successfully by politicians for millennia to expand government, which can only grow at the expense of individual liberties.

Simply put, Pope Francis’ “climate change” advocacy isn’t about saving the environment but rather empowering the establishment at the expense of the public.

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