Sunday, June 21, 2015

Biohackers: “Future generations are going to grow up tinkering not with computers, but with life itself”


By Melissa Dykes
I received a promo postcard the other day for a cool new conference headed our way. It has to do with trendy futuristic, transhumanist topics like the “global cities of the future” and “biohacking.”
I thought, “Biohacking? Seriously?”
Yes, seriously.
According to Sputnik News and Foreign Policy, biohacking is no longer a science fiction concept, and Google Director and transhumanist Ray Kurzweil claims it will be an everyday reality for us all real soon.
I’ll admit, initially my only reference to biohacking prior to looking into this (and I obviously have a lot to learn here) came from a video game I once played called Bioshock which allowed a gamer to, “Biologically mod your body with plasmids – genetic augmentations that empower you with dozens of fantastic abilities!”
That game came out in 2007, nearly a decade ago. Even then, I wondered to myself what it would be like to live in a world where only rich elites could afford such things. Talk about a literal breakaway civilization!

Now the term is everywhere. Read what is being reported on biohacking these days (via Sputnik):

“Future generations are going to grow up tinkering not with computers, but with life itself,” Anthes wrote. “There is a growing community of ‘biohackers,’ science enthusiasts who are experimenting with genes, brains, and bodies outside the confines of traditional laboratories, working on shoestring budgets in their garages and attics, or joining the community labs that are springing up around the globe.”
The cool new edgy thing isn’t hacking servers. It’s hacking life.
In fact, that article isn’t even really about us hacking ourselves in a Bioshock way to begin with. That’s just the period on the end of a very long sentence titled, “Scientists Plan to Genetically Engineer Animals to be Used by US Military.” It’s about the Secret of NIMH-esque horrors ongoing at DARPA for our burgeoning military-industrial complex.

In real life, scientists are already well on their way toward genetically modifying animals for military use, writes Benjamin Soloway, of Foreign Policy:

As the limitations of robotics become increasingly apparent, the United States’ military – in a high-tech extension of a tradition that stretches from George Washington’s cavalry to the dogs, dolphins, and rats of the modern battlefield – has already set off down the road toward genetically engineering animals for war.

So robots, which aren’t even fully implemented yet, are already so obsolete our government just has to “hack” and genetically engineer animals now? (Foreign Policy, just by the way, was owned for quite some time by the NWO Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.)
Let’s continue:

In 2006, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) asked scientists “to develop technology to create insect-cyborgs” capable of carrying surveillance equipment or weapons, journalist Emily Anthes wrote in her 2013 book, “Frankenstein’s Cat: Cuddling Up to Biotech’s Brave New Beasts.”
After realizing that it was too challenging to build aircraft that were that tiny and reliable, DARPA turned its attention to insects, which are already abundant and engineered by nature to be better than anything humans could make.
DARPA has spent the past decade researching how humans can control insects and mammals through electronic impulses to the brain, as well as through genetic modifications to the nervous systems of insects, Foreign Policy reports.
The results have been surprisingly successful: Scientists can now hijack the brains of beetles and order them to stop, start, and turn, and are working on more advanced directions. Scientists also are looking to create tech-integrated insects that can be controlled by drone operators.

If government scientists at DARPA are hijacking the brains of beetles for literal mind control, you can rest assured it is not for some happy smiley sunshine-y purpose, and it isn’t even remotely far-fetched or paranoid to make a jump from beetles to people.


Biohacking life… in the interest of “national security”.
Humans controlling insects and mammals through electronic impulses to the brain… sounds a lot like a modern-day MKUltra program, doesn’t it? Oh, but they’d never do that, would they? Because they’re running such an ethical operation?
Worse, everyone is apparently going to jump on the Dr. Frankenstein bandwagon.
Gee, sounds fun. Doesn’t anyone see a huge problem with this?
Ironically, just last night we watched an episode of X-files where a genetic engineer who worked with reptile DNA transformed himself into a deadly, shapeshifting half-human, half-reptile who could climb walls and spit a blinding venom that slowly liquified his victims.
Normally I’d watch that as fiction… but…
Melissa Dykes (formerly Melton) is a co-founder of, where this article first appeared. She is an experienced researcher, graphic artist and investigative journalist with a passion for liberty and a dedication to truth. Her aim is to expose the New World Order for what it is — a prison for the human soul from which we must break free.

Biohackers: “Future generations are going to grow up tinkering not with computers, but with life itself”
Fri, 19 Jun 2015 23:33:00 GMT