Campaign for Liberty
Campaign for Liberty has been working hard to fight the “Restoration of America’s Wire Act,” S. 2159/H.R. 4103, which would override state sovereignty, void current law in several states, and give the federal government more control over the Internet by banning Internet gambling.
Now, inside sources tell us a final decision on whether or not to add this bill to the “Omnibus” spending package could be made within the next few hours.
Even if you’ve never gambled and never plan to, this fight is about stopping more government trampling of Americans’ liberties and more shredding of the Constitution.
And combining this controversial bill into the Omnibus is just not right.
So please call your U.S. senators and your U.S. representative right away at (202) 224-3121.
Demand the “Restoration of America’s Wire Act” (S. 2159/H.R. 4103) not be added to any Omnibus or any other legislation that may come out of lame duck.
Thank you in advance for contacting your representatives on this critical issue.
For Liberty,
Ron Paul