9/11: The Big Lie and They All Know It
Wednesday, September 4, 2013 19:01
A letter from Eric<a
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I recently had an href="http://ox-d.beforeitsnews.com/w/1.0/rc?cs=5125e7a33c8bf&cb=INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE"
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My friend commented that, given the negligible headway the 9/11 Truth
Movement has made here in the States, “…we may have to depend on people
and organizations beyond our borders to conduct an honest and effective
While a laudable proposition, I daresay even that tack has been vigorously explored by a few notable stalwarts to no avail.
I recall ex-multi-millionaire Jimmy Walter’s noble efforts, some 10
years ago, to spread the word around the world. Of his 14-million-dollar
fortune (
to him by his father), Jimmy spent over $12m producing videos and
assembling panels of experts to travel the world preaching the 9/11
Truth bible. He organized symposia in major international cities that
drew huge crowds. He even aspired to educate world leaders.
Jimmy actually traveled with William Rodriguez to Malaysia and made
presentations to Mahathir Mohamad in person. They also flew to Venezuela
and presented to several of Hugo Chavez’s top aides. These are a well
known facts. Walters and Rodriguez would later say every one of these
at least as much, if not more, about 9/11 than they did. These foreign
heads even proudly showed off their stacked shelves of 9/11-related
books! It is an inarguable fact that Mahathir and Chavez were 100% aware
of the Big Lie — likely in far greater detail than any of us are.
There have been other powerful high-ranking officials elsewhere — in
the UK, Japan, Finland, Germany— who made much noise about seriously
hoisting the 9/11 Truth flag in their respective parliaments, all to no
I’ll take it a step further:
I have absolutely no doubt that every single world leader — at the
very least, their Intelligence heads — is fully aware of the 9/11
Yes, that would include Putin, Merkel, Hallande, Xi Jinping…the lot of ‘em.
Do think about this for a moment.
If literally millions of
around the world know all about 9/11, do you really thing the highly
specialized, well-trained Intelligence operatives of the world’s
governments haven’t yet figured it out?!
Even if some of these world leaders at the UN are as dense as rocks (some are, like our congresscitters), their
heads certainly aren’t. And what do intel departments do when they dig
up dirt? They pass it up to their bosses. That’s their job. That’s all
they do.
And you think we need to “convince” these people?
Let’s get real, folks: THEY ALL KNOW 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB!
It would be incredibly stupid of us to think, even for a moment, that
we Truthers have somehow managed to dig up and monopolize all the facts
through the
Look, any kid with a computer and half a brain can see through the lie, but these trained intelligence experts couldn’t?!
The notion is absurd.
So, why don’t all these men and women — some of whom have openly made
murmurings about having “questions” about 9/11 — stand up and scream
from the world stage?
Two — and only two — reasons:
1. Fear
2. Complicity
They are afraid. Or they are complicit. Period.
Even lions such as Chavez whimpered when it came to standing up to
the NWO vis-à-vis 9/11. He had the guts to literally look down their
barrels on every other major issue EXCEPT 9/11.
Even leaders such as Chavez didn’t have the balls to take a step in
that direction. These individuals are not afraid for their own lives —
they fear for the long term health and wellbeing of their citizenry and
the financial stability and future of their nations. They know full well
that standing up and questioning 9/11 would be tantamount to signing
their nations’ death warrants.
Even these courageous men figured out that 9/11 Truth is a hell of a
lot bigger — and far more perilous to their personal survival and their
precious national interests — than they ever imagined.
Even these political big guns know full well that the apparatus
behind 9/11 is an incalculably evil, pathologically perverse juggernaut
whose near-absolute overarching power far transcends that of mere
national governments. Even these few genuinely righteous leaders quickly
figured out it would be best to make a quiet retreat with their
personal health and that of their nations intact than make waves.
That’s really how big 9/11 Truth really is. Actually, it’s quite
frightening when viewed in its totality, in its fullest dimensions —
something few of us take the time to do.
It’s time we all woke up to a cold, hard fact:
No amount of canvassing abroad at high levels is going to get ANY kind of 9/11 investigation rolling.
The only way to fight the NWO monster is through a mass awakening —
one massive groundswell of public awareness beginning at the grassroots
Anything short of this is pissing in the wind.
What ReThink911.org is doing to raise awareness is admirable. And theirs is the ONLY kind of well-organized activity that is likely to succeed.
Bottom line: Bury this foolish idea of getting some kind of
“independent international panel” of judges to get the 9/11 ball
If we are to succeed, we need to keep hammering at the grassroots
level to create the groundswell we need to crack this thing open.