Monday, June 23, 2014

5KW Grid-Tie Solar Power System

5KW Grid-Tie Solar Power System

June 23rd, 2014

We pay NZ$47.7 cents (including GST) per kilowatt hour for electricity. That’s robbery. Year after year, it just keeps going higher. This isn’t to say that electricity is a bargain anywhere in NZ, it’s just unbelievably expensive in the Far North.

It’s a pretty good scam when companies can keep raising prices for electricity while demand remains flat.

As winter closed in this year, Becky and I decided that we weren’t going to take it anymore. After doing a lot of research, we called up SolarKing and had them install a 5KW grid-tie system for us. We went for twenty 250watt Trina Honey panels and the outstanding SMA Sunny Boy 5000 TL inverter.

Although we spent a large chunk of our savings on the system, we’re looking at recovering the cost in about five years, which is incredible. In other parts of NZ, system payoff times will be longer, but still much shorter than just a couple of years ago because panel prices have dropped sharply. If you have money sitting in a savings account, you probably realize that after tax and inflation, that situation isn’t looking so hot. Additionally, we were going to be spending the money on the electricity whether we got the solar system or not—might as well get the solar system.

I’ve wanted a solar energy system for about three decades (since I was a kid, in other words). Yes, I used to pester my parents to install solar panels. It just never made economic sense with system payback times measured in decades. So, move to the rural Far North of New Zealand and feel the boot of that electricity bill on your neck, and it’s amazing how solar power becomes a no brainer!

Here’s what our house looks like now (click for bigger images):

5KW Solar System

5KW Solar System

5KW Solar System

5KW Solar System

I was so impressed with what SolarKing did for us that I became a sales representative with them. I was planning on waiting until I collected more performance data from our system to announce all of this, but there has been a time sensitive development.

Yes, readers in NZ, I want to sell you a solar power system.

SolarKing is currently offering 3KW Q-Cells and SMA system packages for NZ$9,995, including GST and installation.

German panels.

German inverter.

NZ$2000 off the normal price.

SolarKing made ten of those available a couple of weeks ago, and they are down to four. That’s why I’m posting this now, so you guys in NZ could consider this deal in case you’ve been looking to get into solar. Want a bigger system? Let’s discuss it.

SolarKing handles everything. You don’t have to mess around with applications to the power companies to get the grid-tie consents. I just paid the administrative fee and the system application was approved. (The fees vary by region and aren’t included in the system price. Mine was NZ$200.)

If you are in New Zealand and have any questions about solar, send me an email. If you do a deal for a SolarKing system through me, I’ll make 6% on it. My manager said that he’ll pay me on any systems I sell around New Zealand. I’m supposed to come out to your house and measure your roof pitch and roof orientation, check for shading issues, take pictures of your breaker panel, your meters, your roof and get copies of your electricity bill etc. etc. If you’re cool with helping me get that info, SolarKing will pay me the commission on your system.

Ok, to sum up my pitch: German panels, German inverter, save thousands, support Cryptogon, lower your power bill. Win!

Finally, I’d just like to say thank you to those of you who have ever supported us over the years. That system wouldn’t be on our house if it wasn’t for you.

5KW Grid-Tie Solar Power System
Mon, 23 Jun 2014 15:15:17 GMT