Thursday, May 8, 2014

Oath Keepers Will Give Out Additional Gas Money for Volunteers Still at Bundy Ranch on Thursday, May 8, 1-2pm at Stage Area

May 7th, 2014


We have already given out over $4,000.00 in gas money over the past two weeks, but we are now going to give out additional gas money to any volunteers still out at the Bundy Ranch who need gas money to get home.

Oath Keepers will be sending our store manager, Jim, out to the ranch tomorrow, Thursday, May 8, from noon to 1pm.   He will be at the spot where the main stage was, near the tall flag poles, on the side of Hwy 170, which is on the left, before the bridge, when driving in from I-15.    This is the main stage area where most of the action took place, such as Cliven Bundy bringing the Sheriff onstage to announce that the BLM was calling off the Roundup.   Those who need gas money are asked to please email Jim in advance, if at all possible, at:

Please email him and let him know what state you are from and how much you are requesting.  He has to cut it off at $360.00 maximum per request to make sure there is enough for others, but if there is money left over after he has given gas money to others, he may consider giving you more if you can prove you are driving that far until he is out of money.

If for any reason Bundy Ranch volunteers can’t email him in advance, just show up at the stage area near the flag poles on the side of the highway, from 1pm -2pm, and it will be first come, first served till he runs out of money.   You will have to show your license so he can see what state you are from to support how much money you are requesting, and he will need to verify in some way that you are actually out at the ranch (that he will do on the spot by talking to you).   He will ask you to fill out a hand receipt so he can show our treasurer how much he gave out.  Fist name is fine on the receipt.  You will also have to promise to mail us the gas receipts from your trip home, for our Treasurer to use.   We will be relying on your word that you will do so.  Send gas receipts to:

Oath Keepers

Attn: Treasurer

5130 S. Ft. Apache Rd.

Suite 215

Las Vegas, NV 89148

This is the last of our funds we have for this effort.   We just want to help prevent anyone from being stranded.   All who wish to donate to the Bundy’s from here forward are encouraged to donate directly to them at:

Cliven and Carol Bundy * 7175 Gold Butte Rd * Bunkerville, NV 89007

Or you can donate online at  their paypal, here:

We still fully support the Bundy family and their cause, but it is best if you donate directly to them if you so choose.

Oath Keepers