Friday, May 2, 2014

Impeachment Demands Explode After Benghazi Truth Finally Revealed


This past week, we received confirmation from some previously classified emails that were forcibly released to the public through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit that the entire Obama White House communications team was in on the false narrative created in the wake of Benghazi. The emails between top White House communications staffers, including Ben

Related posts:

  1. LEAK: New Emails Prove White House Behind Benghazi Lies
  2. Trey Gowdy: Susan Rice is Still Lying About Benghazi, and the Media Doesn’t Care
  3. Demands for Special Benghazi Investigation Are Finally Growing

Impeachment Demands Explode After Benghazi Truth Finally Revealed
Hunter Pearce
Thu, 01 May 2014 23:09:06 GMT