Monday, May 12, 2014

Breaking: Charleston South Carolina Becomes 9th Republican Party to Censure Lindsey Graham

Breaking: Charleston South Carolina Becomes 9th Republican Party to Censure Lindsey Graham

By: Joshua Cook May 13, 2014

The Charleston County Republican Party voted to censure Sen. Lindsey Graham by the vote of 39- 32 tonight. This makes the 9th local Republican Party to censured Graham this election season.

The Charleston County Party is located in the “low country” which is considered a Graham stronghold.

The fact that Graham was censured by executive committeemen who represents voters in their precincts shows how weak and vulnerable Graham really is.

A poll recently conducted by Wenzel Strategies, the same firm that Sen. Rand Paul used for his victory, shows state senator Lee Bright as the most likely challenger to face Graham in a runoff if Graham stays below the 50 percent threshold.

Lee Bright won the Charleston County Republican Party straw poll last week and has strong grassroots support there.’s Joshua Cook exclusively reported the first reading of the censure resolution, an approximate 29-point resolution that exposes Graham’s progressive voting record of big government expansion and disregard of civil liberties.

The “Censure Graham movement” has caught fire throughout the state. The only question is: who will be the 10th county Party to censure Sen. Lindsey Graham?

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