Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Report: Obama Knows Where Benghazi Terrorists Are… But Does Nothing


Americans were shocked and saddened at the death of four Americans in a terrorist attack in Benghazi.  That feeling has turned to outrage as they have discovered that the State Department knew an attack was imminent, yet cut security. The CIA had men involved in the attack and ensuing rescue and escape, yet they have not conducted their own investigation into who committed such an atrocity on their own personnel.  The White House has done little to answer the questions

Related posts:

  1. Charges Finally Filed Against Benghazi Terrorists
  2. Obama Permanently Withdraws Team Tracking the Benghazi Terrorists
  3. Ted Cruz Introduces Bill to Give $5M Reward for Benghazi Terrorists

Report: Obama Knows Where Benghazi Terrorists Are… But Does Nothing
Ben Marquis
Mon, 21 Apr 2014 17:11:37 GMT