Sunday, April 27, 2014

Political Movement to “Fire Harry Reid” Has Been Launched


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has been called the “most hated” leader in Congress.  This is because he is a bully that uses his position and power to influence and intimidate other members of Congress, business people and regular citizens. Reid is also hated due to his appearance of being corrupt, making shady land deals and accepting bribes.  He is also viewed unfavorably for his naked nepotism, getting cushy jobs and lobbying positions for his sons, and giving over $30k

Related posts:

  1. Ethics Complaint Filed Against Harry Reid… Fire Him
  2. Poll: Should Nevada Fire Harry Reid?
  3. Poll: Harry Reid is the Most Hated “Leader” in Congress

Political Movement to “Fire Harry Reid” Has Been Launched
Ben Marquis
Sun, 27 Apr 2014 20:14:07 GMT