Sunday, April 27, 2014

Obamacare math: 2.7 million 'enrollees' missing


(INVESTOR’S BUSINESS DAILY) Affordable Care Act: President Obama has for a while been bragging that 8 million people have signed up for ObamaCare. But the administration still hasn’t released the state-by-state numbers to back up that number.

You’d think that with such good news, the administration would want to put out as many details as possible, as soon as possible. But judging by previous months, the latest Health and Human Services enrollment report is now nearly two weeks behind schedule.

As a result, we still don’t know where 2.7 million ObamaCare enrollees came from.

Obamacare math: 2.7 million 'enrollees' missing
Fri, 25 Apr 2014 13:36:01 GMT